Who We Are
Bertha’s Tobacco Depot was founded in 2019 by Dupree
Castleberry his wife Jasmine Castleberry and his Brother Kevin Sanders. The Brothers grew up together south of Great Falls, SC on Old Rocky Creek Road. They grew up in a big house on the hill in the country with their Grandmama Bertha Sanders.
The house was full with plenty of love and
lots of laughter. The Brothers both attended Great Falls High School where they both exceled. Dupree was the president of the Student Council, a captain on the football team, a concert and marching band member, and a member of almost all the rest of the clubs at school. Kevin won two State Championships as the point guard for the 1998-1999 teams. He was also a member of various clubs at school. They both are members
of Rock Hill Baptist Church where they were regularly active members of the church and the South Carolina Sunday School Association.
Both Dupree and Kevin were compelled to serve our country.
Dupree enlisted into the United States Army on 18 November 1998. He served with distinction with multiple deployments. He was medically retired as a Master Sergeant after 20 years of service. Kevin enlisted into the Navy where he
served with honor for 5 years.
After retiring Dupree got tired of just smoking weed and
figured he needed to do something else. He began selling various items on the internet. He dived into it like he does most things, and off he went. He was selling everything from McDonald’s toys to Gucci purses. Anything he could sell he would. That lead him to going into wholesale warehouses to find unique items to sell online. After having incredible success because of covid, Dupree began to wonder why he did not have a store. He realized that he did not have a store,
because he hadn’t put in the effort. After enlisting the help of his Brother who had climb the ladder to the corporate office after 12 years of steadfast work at Walmart, they created Bertha’s Tobacco Depot. Named after their beloved
Grandmama (Nana for Kevin), they dumped their life’s savings into their idea with confidence of knowing their Ancestors have their backs.
Bertha’s Tobacco Depot officially opened on 28 April 2021. The store has become a staple in the community by supporting Great Falls High School Athletics, Great Falls Youth Sports, local Churches and other various community organizations.